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Thanks for stopping by. While you’re here, you might as well check out the LiveXMLEditor, Slideshowify, JS and CSS Bundler, among other things. Enjoy.
Thanks for stopping by. While you’re here, you might as well check out the LiveXMLEditor, Slideshowify, JS and CSS Bundler, among other things. Enjoy.
After just sitting there collecting dust for a while, Slideshowify is back and better than ever. New updates include CSS3 support (provided via @rstacruz‘s excellent jquery.transit.js plugin), animation as well as zooming in both directions and better browser support – …
I recently set out to learn Python, specifically on the Flask (+Werkzeug/Jinja2) microframework, and did so through developing a tool for iStocphoto.com contributors. The result is iStockutils.com, and the code is available for viewing/forking on GitHub. I still have much …
My tutorial on processing XML with jQuery in the browser is now live on IBM’s developerWorks website. Check it out at: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/tutorials/x-processxmljquerytut/index.html Most JavaScript and jQuery ninjas needn’t read past the title for the gist, but hopefully there’s something new …
Amazon recently (finally!) added support for invalidation to CloudFront. Frankly, without this feature the service was pretty useless to me since updating (or deleting) the cached resource would mean that the actual operation would take up to 24 hours to …
I recently had a chance to make a few updates to the Live XML Editor and address some user requests. Version 1.5 is now done and out. Among the updates are: – jQuery 1.4 support. Since the editor relies heavily …
loggable() is a simple little function for safely making a JavaScript object (console) loggable. (Name was inspired by @furf‘s jquery.bindable.js.) [code language=”js”] /** * Loggable adds a log method to the passed object. * @param obj {Object} Object which will …
Slideshowify is a jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow of images that will fill the screen with a (cropped) image, then pan across to reveal the rest of it. This is commonly referred to as the Ken Burns Effect and …
Loading an external CSS stylesheet with jQuery is cake. But in version 1.4 it stopped working in IE. Specifically, doing this doesn’t work: $(‘<link href=”/path/to/stylesheet.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />’).appendTo(“head”); After investigating and Googling this a bit, I discovered that this technique …
Sorting arrays of JSON objects is a task that I occasionally come across. Here’s a little utility I’ve been using for a while that does the trick. [code=’js’] /** * Sorts an array of json objects by some common property, …